Jungle Jump....

Make a Fist to let the Character jump and saving from any upcoming hurdles!

Ensure your computer or device is equipped with a webcam.
Position yourself comfortably in front of the webcam.
Open the Jungle Jump game.
Allow the game to access your webcam for motion detection.
Ensure your hands are visible on the screen.
Your character will start running through the jungle environment.
Make a Fist: keep running.
Keep an eye on the screen for upcoming hurdles such as fire pits, ditches, or other obstacles.
Open Hand: Perform the jump action.
Keep performing the open-hand and fist actions to jump over consecutive hurdles.
Successfully jumping over hurdles will earn you points.
The game will end if your character hits an obstacle.
Your final score will be displayed on the screen.
Click “Replay” to start the game again and improve your performance.

Video Tutorial

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